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Recently a super terrific woman contact me through my etsy store and asked if I would be open to creating four “boxes” for her son’s room. The jumping off point was this print:

She requested that I use this and another illustration of a tractor that I had already done. Additionally she wanted a hay truck and a hay squeeze. “Oh sure, a hay squeeze,” I said. Of course. A hay squeeze. Who doesn’t know what a hay squeeze looks like? I could draw one from memory, with my eyes closed – like those art class exercises where you had to do “contour drawings.”  But fret not, Fox, she was kind enough to send me some photos of the very hay squeeze that her husband drives.

I loved this project. I was super bummed to package them up and ship them off. But just last week she sent an email and said (and I’m for real quoting – hope she doesn’t mind) “they are perfect! My son and husband are completely mesmerized with them.”

I am blushing.

14″x14″ screenprints on wood. Four coats of varnish.

I have been printing journal covers for the last few days. I’m pretty sure my favorite part of printing comes at the end of a run when I’ve successfully printed my stack of paper and filled my drying rack and I start looking around for anything else I can throw on the table and pull a print on. I have printed the walls and posts in our basement. I have printed cereal boxes, shirts, aprons, cardboard boxes, envelopes, shopping bags – anything that’ll take the ink. A couple of weeks ago I printed the tractor on a wooden “box” frame. I liked it so much that I’ve decided to keep a stack of boxes handy. I started printing bits of the screens I’ve been using for my journal covers and out came this test print box!

DSC_0004I love the test print randomness.

I’m throwing a few coats of varnish on this and giving it to my best big brother for his birthday in a few days. He flies in tomorrow so don’t say a word. Swear to it.


tractor2Have I mentioned that I love printing? I think I have. A friend liked the tractor art I did for the Fresh Fridays at the Northside Farmers Market and asked me to do something for her son. My practical nature makes me love an assignment so I tried printing the art on a wooden “box” frame. Not to toot my own horn but I love the way it turned out. It makes me excited to print more things directly onto wood. Maybe collage the background and overprint an image? We’ll see. I’m supposed to be packing for the big move in about six weeks. In the meantime, a quick shot of the tractor print on wood. If I can steal some time I plan to print a couple more for my etsy and supermarket stores.
